Department of Botany was established in year 2004-2005 in the institution. This course is offered in First Year at Under Graduate level. Thrust area of Ist and IInd Semester of syllabi of Botany focuses on plant Physiology, Mycology, Phycology, Plant Anatomy and Medicinal Botany. Department conducts regular Field visits to give students practical study experience. Department also conducts certificate course to focus on skill based education. In addition to teaching department conducts workshop, seminars, webinars, competitions and expert lectures to provide skill and career based knowledge acquisition.
- To provide opportunities for career based knowledge acquisition
- To inculcate a sense of interest in plant science and appreciation in the industrial, economic, environmental and social context.
- To prepare students with excellent skills and knowledge to meet the expanding career opportunities.
- To guide students and society about sustainable environment management.
- Inculcate students with scientific temperament, environmental awareness & prepare them to face challenges in life
- To equip students with skills through which they can proceed to right path of career based knowledge acquisition
- To sensitize students and society regarding entrepreneurship through agro-based business as well as horticulture and landscape designing.
- Impart quality education in the field of plant sciences & to sensitize students towards the need for conserving natural resources.
Program Offered
Bachelor of Science (F.Y.B.Sc)-UG
- Received best paper presentation award at International conference in 2017.
- “Analysis of compound from Gmelina arborea Roxb. By gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GCMS) analysis” published in Research dimension, multi-disciplinary National Research journal vol. 5, issue: II, January 2015, ISSN0976-8564.
- “Gas chromotography mass specterscopy (GL-MS) analysis of bioactive components of khaya seneglensis (ddesr.) A. Joss” published in New Paradigms in Education and management journal of management research Vol.4, Issue:4,May 2016, ISSN 2319-2429
- “In-Vitro Studies of centella asiatica Linn.- A Plant with immense global medicinal potential.” published in management journal of research vol. 4, issue: 05, June 2017, ISSN 2319-2429.
- Attended one day multidisciplinary International Conference on ‘Emerging Issues in Contemporary India: Local & Global Perspectives” (17th March 2018).
- Received certificate of participation for guiding (mentor) research proposal titled “Wonders of Black Seed-Miraculous remedy for disease” in pure science category and UG level for selection round Avishkar Research convention 2020-21 for zone.
- Received certificate of participation for guiding (mentor) research proposal titled “is regular intake of green tea really safe” in pure science category and UG level for selection round Avishkar Research convention 2020-21 for zone.
- Received Certificate of Merit by University of Mumbai for Avishkar Research convention at District/ Zonal Level for guiding (mentor) student research project titled “ Seed Water Treatment; An Act of Moringa Oleifera.
- Published Research paper (2021) titled “Home Gardening: A Remedy for Mental, Physical and Economical Well-Being during the Covid-19 Pandemic.” In UGC Peer Reviewed Journal.
- Published Research paper (2022) titled “A Review of Types, Significance and Challenges of Urban Agriculture in India” IDEAL An International Multidisciplinary Half Yearly Research journal, Volume-X, Issue- II Peer Reviewed Refereed and UGC Listed Journal No. 47026, Impact factor/ Indexing 2020-6.008.
Participated in many more National and international level conferences.
Social Contribution awards/ Recognition:
- Staff was Awarded certificate of Appreciation for role played towards Nation building by having college participated in regulation of traffic at various occasions and Road Safety Campaign 2018 by traffic branch Thane city.
- Staff received CASI Community Leader award 2019 in appreciation of services to the society (CASI in collaboration with PWD Maharashtra).
- Staff Participated in “Spit Free India Movement” during June-August to prevent spread of COVID-19.
- Staff has contributed in planning and conduction of various community service activities and events like free medical checkups, plantation, swachata abhyan, anti-Superstion campaing, etc. and also had conducted various activities for schools in villages with students.
Faculty Member
Name: Dr Misbah Hamid Shaikh
Designation: Assistant Prof.
Qualification: Ph. D
Experience: 13 years
View Profile
Designation: Assistant Prof.
Qualification: Ph. D
Experience: 13 years
View Profile
Name: Qureshi Bushra Mahak Shakil
Qualification: B.Sc
Designation: Lab Assistant
Qualification: B.Sc
Designation: Lab Assistant
Name: Ayaz munteyaz khan
Qualification: SSC
Designation: Lab Attendant
Qualification: SSC
Designation: Lab Attendant
Youtube Links
Green Campus/ Botanical Garden